Thursday, March 19, 2015

Wattpad - share your own stories

Wattpad is a place where you can share your own fiction writing in a blog-like format as well as read and comment on other people's works. No one needs to know who you are and you'll have readers who may leave encouraging comments on your message board.
Wattpad is a a great way to share your stories and to discover new ones.
One of my brilliant students told me about this wonderful digital tool, and he wrote this about it:

"Wattpad is a popular, free-to-join social platform where everyone - young or old, experienced or unexperienced - may create and share their own stories, as well as reading other people's works. There are no costs whatsoever; one may join the community, post stories and read stories without even thinking of payment.
The stories that are posted will be accessible for anyone to read, but the writer is able to save drafts that are only visible to him/her. Readers may vote for a story they like, as well as placing comments. The amount of readers, votes and comments is put down on the front page of each story, which gives an overview of the story's popularity.
Join Wattpad today"

Here is one of his stories: Outcast

Enjoy reading it :-)