Thursday, January 30, 2014

Goanimate: Fun fun fun!!

Create an account on goanimate.
Here are some examples from other students.
How to create a goanimate video? Have a look here or here.

Your task is here: 

The Kite Runner. Questions to the film

1)      What do you think of Hassan and Amir’s friendship? Was Amir using Hassan? Why or why not?
2)      Does Amir stand up for himself or Hassan later in the film? How?
3)      What do you think Amir should have done when he saw the boys attacking Hassan? Why do you think he didn’t act?
4)      How do you think Amir felt later? What about Hassan?
5)      Do you think Baba is an honorable and ethical man? Why or why not? What was your opinion of him before he stood up to the soldier who wanted to have sex with the new mother? What about after you found out he slept with the wife of his servant and was Hassan’s father?
6)      Which character do you identify with the most? Why?
7)      Baba states in the film that, “All sins stem from stealing of one form or another.” What do you think of that philosophy?

8)      What did Rahim Khan mean when he said to Amir, “There is a way to be good again”? Was it important for Amir to redeem himself? Why?
9)      What are the main themes in this story? Why did you choose these themes? Refer to the film. Suggestions: discrimination, redemption, family, nationality.
10)   Describe the main characters – refer to the film.
Khaled Hosseini

Improve your writing

Have a look at my Wiki
Do you want to focus on grammar? have a look here.
(more to come............)

English blog

I just want to recommend this amazing blog by Jaspreet Gloppen. You will find everything you need here.
I am really looking forward to learn a lot more from her, when I have time;  probably during the rainy season in Norway (i.e. during summer....).

Happy Easter :)

Er bare en snartur innom for å anbefale en veldig god blogg for engelsk. Alt mulig av interesse gjennomgås her. Jeg fant sidene om vurdering spesielt interessante.

Siden jeg ikke har tid denne våren, så har jeg bestemt meg for å lære meg å rette tekster ved hjelp av hurtigtaster i sommerferien (det kommer helt sikkert til å regne......). Tusen takk til Jaspreet Gloppen for deling!